Have you ever wanted to learn directly from influential leaders of well-known and reputable organizations?

Did you ever wonder who they were as human beings, and how they got to high positions of leadership responsibility?

Well, we are delighted to introduce to you our exclusive Leaders Spotlight course. Learn from leaders of many organizations including Fortune 500 companies as they share obstacles, lessons, and insights from their leadership and career journeys. Discover how they decided on their professions, what skills they focused on, how they rose through the ranks, then how they prioritize learning new skills, how they manage their time, how they stay motivated and grounded, how they make difficult decisions, how they handle pressure and stress, how they lead their teams and what they recommend for you to excel and succeed both personally and professionally. Find out the answers to these questions and many more. No matter who you are or where you are in your educational and career journey, there is something for you to take away from this course. We hope you find it filled with rich and practical advice.

This course will be updated regularly, so share your comments and insights in the discussion tab of each episode, and stay tuned for the release of new episodes.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this series are not necessarily representative of Youth Laboratory.

Get exclusive access to our Leaders Spotlight Course now: